Thursday 21 April 2016

Connecting essay 5

This is a photograph by Milenko Dilas that conveys the theme of beauty. In this image we can see an attractive female model looking straight down the lens, as if looking at the viewer. It appears as if she has had her make up professionally done and to a standard that helps illuminate the beauty in her face. The background in the photo is black with a small lighter glow emanating from the centre of the image, which is also around the model. The use of this background allows the viewers eye to focus on the model, in particular her face because it is the area with the most glow. The models skin is extremely smooth and her hair looks smooth also, I expect that this was touched up in the editing stages to make sure that everything appeared as perfect because thats what the normal standards for beauty photography are.

This is  a photograph that I took within my beauty series. I have used a mid shot of a female model, she is wearing makeup and looking down the lens of the camera. I chose to use a black background because I wanted it to feel as if the darkness was surrounding the model, which would somewhat draw the eye onto the model. I edited the image, changing the colour of her skin to a pinker complexion to add in a slight amount of colour. I also used photoshop tools to add in certain elements of her makeup, for example the eyeliner. I did this too heighten the elements of beauty that had been included in this image.

There are many similarities between my own beauty image and Dilas's. Firstly, we have both decided to use a black background so that the viewers eye is focused on the model instead of any other part of the image. A difference with this however is that the lighting I paired with the background drew the darkness around the model, where as Dilas's model is completely lit and has a slight glow to the outer edge of her body. Another similarity is the model they are both looking into the camera and have similar traits of the beauty style.
I am really happy with the image that I got from this shoot and I think that it clearly shows beauty and how beauty is usually shown in photography.

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