Friday 29 April 2016

Mid project evaluation

What you intend to do as part of the project, has the idea changed?
I intended on showing the physical and aesthetic beauty aspects within images, due to the fact I felt that this was what an audience and myself would be able to connect to the most as beauty photography is already strongly influenced into our lives. When I was first thinking about what types of shoots I would be photographing images of strong makeup and colours was an initial thought, however once looking at other beauty photography I realised that the simplistic images, for example black and white images were a popular choice within the beauty photography. Due to this I started off my shooting with a black and white photoshoot to try and duplicate the effect. I did also use a lot of colour in different ways throughout my unit and experimented with the different ways in which I can manipulate the colours to highlight the beauty further. The idea of photographing aesthetic beauty stayed my main goal throughout the unit, although I didn't try a different angle for one of my shoots. I wanted to show the effects of physical beauty on some ones mental state of mind. I felt that it was a nice change from the other photographs I had produced and showed how the idea of photographing beauty can develop however decided to carry on with the physical beauty photography. My editing skills also developed throughout the shoots and I learnt a large amount more about how beauty photographs are edited o include within my own work.

What shoots were most successful?
Personally, I would say that my most successful shoot would be shoot six where the use of a projector on the model was implied to add texture and colour to the image. I think the photographs show beauty in the way that all beauty photography intends, however while adding a difference and uniqueness to the images. Also I am extremely happy with how the editing looks because of the removing of blemishes and spots and how it looks flawless.

What aspects of the work require improvement?
I feel that within my work I photographed the majority of my work within the studio, I feel that my location photography skills could be improved and worked on. Another aspect that I would like to improve on is the use of techniques within my work, I feel that only having used a couple throughout all of my shoots was a waste and that if I had used more techniques then my work would show a wider and more diverse set of photographs.

Where do you see your work progressing?
Personally the shoots that I enjoyed the most were those that included colour to brighten the images and create and happier overall emotion to the photographs. Therefore, in the future I would like to carry on photographing beauty within colourful settings so that the brighter view on beauty can be shown. I would also like to shoot more on location within the future shoots and feel that this would pair nicely with the influence of colour within beauty photography. I see my work progressing into photography that would easily and popularly be seen within magazines that religiously showcase beauty photography.

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