Friday 29 April 2016

Multiple exposure- Work diary

Studio and location set up-
In the studio I used a white background and two light boxes to ensure that the model was in an extremely bright set and had a lot of light. I then also took photographs outside of trees, bushes and flowers mostly for my second image.

Camera set up-

I started with my image from the studio of my model, I began by clipping out the model and I used the pen tool around the edge of the models body. I then right clicked and pressed make selection from the menu and changed the feather radius option to 0.5px. Next I wanted to make sure there was no stray hairs that would make the image look messy, therefore I went to select then refine edge and begun to alter the edge detection radius and shift edge options so that her hair line was within the selection. Then I changed the brush to refine radius tool to paint around the hair line to get rid of any stray hairs. The selected image I then copied as a new layer with a blank layer in-between to isolate the portrait. Next I copied and pasted the landscape image into my working document. Now I pressed CMD and clicked the thumbnail of the portrait to load its selection, then I clicked add layer mask icon to clip the background to the outline. Due to the fact that I would want to be able to move my image independently from the mask so that I would be able to find the best composition, I unlinked the image by clicking the chain icon between the thumbnails. Next I duplicated the portrait cut out layer and dragged it so that it was on top of the other layers. I then needed to darken the image which I done by opening up the levels adjustments by pressing image- adjustments- levels and moved the input and output level sliders. Next I needed to render all the dark areas transparent by changing the blending mode of the new portrait layer to Screen. My next adjustment was to add a layer mask to the portrait and use a large brush to get rid of certain areas. I decided to leave the colour in the image because I felt that this is what looked most pleasing to the eye, which is what beauty photography is about. Then I added a layer adjustment layer to edit the contrast of the image by clipping the highlights and shadows.

The overall image that I created are good and I am happy with how they turned out, due to the fact this was my first try. I feel that this technique would be very interesting paired with my theme of beauty.

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