Friday 29 April 2016

Overall project evaluation

Overall I believe that my project of photographing beauty was successful as I feel that my work showcases beauty in different ways throughout. I am also extremely happy with the evolution of my skills throughout this project, I have learnt so many different skills in both the act of photographing as well as the editing stages to the images and I feel that this can be seen throughout my work.
The few experimentations that I performed in some of the shoots have helped me to learn and develop as a photographer, to see what influences beauty in positive ways and highlights my theme further. I also learnt what doesn't work so well with my theme for example over feathering the images whilst editing because it doesn't create the idea that the model is beautiful, just that she or he has been over edited.
I am pleased with how my photography work has evolved and developed during this project and feel that I have learnt many new techniques and rules about photographing beauty. I know that certain images don't work as well as others but I was able to move on a create other ideas from these mistakes to show beauty in a better way.
Therefore, I am happy with the work that I have produced throughout this project and can see how it showcases my learning curves within my theme.

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